This Essential Oil blend has a unique past. As the story goes, during the height of the Bubonic plague sweeping Europe and Asia, four thieves from Marseilles became famous for robbing the possessions of the infected dead-yet never caught the plague themselves.
People were stunned that these thieves were able to touch the bodies and remain healthy, as the plague was highly contagious. Word began to spread of this a special concoction that could be soaked into a towel and wrapped over the nose to prevent the “pestilence” from entering.
Thieves` Oil contains potent antibacterial properties. Studies show that it has a 99.6 percent kill rate of airborne bacteria after only 10 minutes of exposure – and this includes killing powerful bacteria like Staph.
In addition, several of the Oils in Thieves` are touted for their ability to inhibit respiratory tract infections. These Oils fight even penicillin-resistant strains of pneumonia, highlighting just how powerful these Oils can be.
Thieves` Oil can be used in several ways for your health. Check them out:
A-Thieves’ antimicrobial properties make it excellent for use on your skin.
B-Apply a few drops on your palm and rub into your chest until the oil is absorbed. This will- allow- you to rest, feel comfortable, to breathe easier, and will help prevent colds and dyspnea, especially in winter.
You can diffuse Thieves` Oil throughout your home and inhale it in order to help clear up a cold or respiratory infection. Simply add 10 - 15 drops to a diffuser (400 Ml) and breathe deeply.
How to Use Thieves` Oil in Your Home.
You can also, use Thieves` Oil as a natural disinfectant around your home. It’s great for wiping down counters, cleaning toys, disinfecting cutting boards, removing stale odors, freshening trash cans and gym bags, and even cleaning veggies.
Benefits of Thieves` Oil
When all of these Essential Oils are combined, the powerful properties behind the legend of Thieves` Oil is unleashed. Read on to discover what makes it so beneficial for everyday use, even without the threat of the plague.
1- Thieves` Oil Kills Bacteria
Thieves` Oil contains potent antibacterial properties. Studies show that it has a 99.6 percent kill rate of airborne bacteria after only 10 minutes of exposure – and this includes killing powerful bacteria like Staph.
In addition, several of the Oils in Thieves` are touted for their ability to inhibit respiratory tract infections. These Oils fight even penicillin-resistant strains of pneumonia, highlighting just how powerful these Oils can be.
2- Thieves` Oil Fights Harmful Fungi
Black mold, candida and other various fungus and yeast strains don`t have a fighting chance against Thieves` Oil. Cinnamon bark oil, in particular, has been shown to inhibit fungi and other respiratory tract strains when diffused and inhaled.
Another study showed that wax paper coated in cinnamon Oil was able to completely prevent a type of mold from forming on sliced bread, even after three days.
3- Cleaner How to Use Thieves` Oil in Your Home.
Cleaning and personal care products.
You can also use Thieves` Oil as a natural disinfectant around your home. It’s great for wiping down counters, cleaning toys, disinfecting cutting boards, removing stale odors, freshening trash cans and gym bags, and even cleaning veggies.